Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know Kevin and I have adopted another baby to add to the bunch. I have been wanting a miniture schnauzer for a long time. We started talking about getting one about a year ago....and yesterday when I got home from work Kevin suprised me with one! He is sooo cute. He was born December 5, 2008 so he is a little over 12 weeks old. He is salt and pepper and his name is Remington von Hellnick. (Theres a joke behind it) Anyway we will call him Remi for short. He is absolutely precious and I know this sounds stupid but it took everything I had to leave him this morning to come to work. It just broke my heart. The good thing is Kevin is home and when he gets done with his running will get him out and let him play. Anyone that wants to come see him can and I will be posting pictures as soon as I figure out how too. Max is really good with him so far...a little jealous of me giving my attention to someone else but he's adjusting. Its hilarious Remi is only as big as Max's head! He gets up on his hind legs and tries too kiss Max....so cute so cute. Anyway Just wanted to let you all know.

Have a great day!~

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